Tuesday, September 8, 2009

trust me...u will fall in love with these books

buku ni ajar cara2 nk handle worry... byk cara yg x penah terfikir sebelum ni, dnade jgk cara yg kita x sedar pn rupanya tu one of the best way to handle our worry lah. contoh, yg menarik perhatian aku, to this one admission made by one husband (in this book la). husband tu cite, dia mmg hr2 sgt tension la, byk jeee poblemnye, keje yg x habis nye..pendek kata, mmg sentiasa dlm worry la.. until one day, while at the kitchen with his wife, he saw his wife washing the dishes, ambil nyanyi2 kecil.. n then he thought, emm.. "my wife is a full time house wife. her works n burden are more than me, where she's work 24 hours- settle the houseworks, our children, my welfare so on so forth..tapi..x pernah pn dia nmpk wife dia ni tension ke, worry ke.. rupanya, sambil2 buat keje tu sume, his wife nyanyi2 kecil- meaning to say that, how hard the work or duty is, his wife just enjoy doing them! that's y la his wife x tension, x worry pun.. so- apa yg kita leh amik pengajaran or guideline di sini- buat apa kerja pun dengan happy- enjoy- jgn fkr susah, jgn fikir ayah, jgn fikir yg negatif2.. bila kita enjoy doing sumting, suma keja jd mudah.. kan.. jadi kita pun xde la susah hati x tentu pasal.. kan. :) ni sekadar secebis perkongsian..ada byk lg- so, dptkan la buku ni di kedai2 buku yer:)

nnti yer sy bercerita panjang..untuk waktu ini, sekadar mampu cite pasal buku yg pertama...yg laen lenkali ea.. tgk je la dulu gambar2 buku tu ea..hee..

belum punya kesempatan tuk bebel dgn lebih pnjg..ok


  1. buleh2..tp presumed guilty dan no intention to kill to not with me..i read them during i went to my abang house lor..my sis in law nye book..hee ..

    i hv anor one- baru beli- to kill a mocking bird..best juge kata kakak i..but i'm not read it yet
