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Monday, August 31, 2009

How to handle your worry?


emm..ingt x aku nye buku adiah hr jd tu..dh baca baru chapter 2 selesai..kena bc dgn penuh penghayatan..

so, ni suka aku nk share apa aku dpt..sumtin' yg menarik..

"finally common sense reminded me that worry wasn't getting me anywhere; so I figured out a way to handle my problem without worrying. It worked superbly. I have been using this same ant-worry technique for more than 30 years. It is simple. Anyone can use it. It consists of 3 steps:

Step 1: Analyzed the situation fearlessly and honestly and figured out what was the worst that could possibly happen as a result of this failure.

---> contohnya, if kita gagal dlm sesuatu usaha kita, apa kesannya.. contoh kalo x habis setadi nk exam mid sem, so kesannya: xleh jwb exm dgn baik la..and there would also chance score badly.

Step 2: After figuring out what was the worst that could possibly happen, reconciled yourself to accepting it, if necessary.

----> meaning that, u said to yourself: emm..sebab aku x prepare betul2 tuk mid sem test ni, so aku gagal score dgn baik carry mark. Tapi, if it does, I still have the last chance- final exam.. Aku leh skor betul2 final exam nye tuk cover marks aku ni..

haa.. after discovering the worst that could possibly happen and reconciling yourself to accepting it, if necessary, an extremely important thing will happen to you: You will immediately relax and feel a sense of peace that you hadn't experienced in days.

Step 3: From that time on, you will calmly devoted your time and energy to trying to improve upon the worst which you had already accepted mentally.

----> haaa..apa, mula lah fikir, cari jalan or figure out ways and means by which you can improve your performance in answering exam questions.
senang bukan??

so, selamat mencuba! :) STOP worrying... SLOW down... ENJOY life!!!

p/s: i did apply this techniques in order to overcome my fear, my worries due to my bad performance in answering mid sem test for Company Law I.. sob..sob.. :'( dun want to hear bout the result of Land Law I too...nooooo...............!!


msCompliciTa yaP said...

waaa..jah, i pn snanye mgalami situasi yg sme..aritu land law i x bce abis..n ni sume blsn untuk ..lps dh sihat aritu, i delay nk exam tu..i bgn kol 7.45pg! waaa..n i knw the consequences! bad result 4 haja! sdy la kn..but there's always chance 2 score in final exam n hopefully, i leh imitate ur good management of time ..huhu..really hope i can be as good as u someday ..n still working on it la bsk ;p

aiShah_sOfeaTJ@katoJie said... hu.. bese la kiter ni dear.. really hard to start early..ape penyakit tatau.. x pernah2 belajo dr kesilapan..x belajo dr pengalaman..ish..

kena mandi bunga nih i hu..

eh..apesallak mndi bunge ekk.. hehe.

by the way...dun worry.. berjuang selagi belum memasuki dewan exam final..dn terus berjuang hingga habis masa tuk jwb soklan exam final!

kite setadi library again ekk..he he..

really miss that moment lah dear! ;)